Integrating with existing code from Conforming Weighted Delaunay Triangulations.
Project URL: Conforming Weighted Delaunay Triangulations
The original formula:
The original source code:
The modified source code:
I❤️LA source code:
p0 = [V_v0,1 V_v0,2 V_v0,3]
p1 = [V_v1,1 V_v1,2 V_v1,3]
p2 = [V_v2,1 V_v2,2 V_v2,3]
x0s = ‖p0‖²
Mi = [2(p1-p0)
m = Mi (‖p1‖²-x0s, ‖p2‖²-x0s, p0⋅n)
v0 ∈ ℤ index
v1 ∈ ℤ index
v2 ∈ ℤ index
V_i ∈ ℝ^3
n ∈ ℝ^3
I❤️LA LaTeX output: