I❤️MESH: A DSL for Mesh Processing

Yong Li, Shoaib Kamil, Keenan Crane, Alec Jacobson, Yotam Gingold

Code: GitHub

Paper: TOG (presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2024) [PDF 23 MB]

Compiler and Examples [13MB ZIP]

I❤️️MESH is a DSL for mesh processing which resembles notation commonly used in visual and geometric computing, automating the mechanical process of converting notation into code. I❤️️MESH has a flexible notation for specifying and manipulating mesh neighborhoods in a cellular complex, internally represented by standard operations on sparse boundary matrices.


Mesh processing algorithms are often communicated via concise mathematical notation (e.g., summation over mesh neighborhoods). However, conversion of notation into working code remains a time consuming and error-prone process which requires arcane knowledge of low-level data structures and libraries---impeding rapid exploration of high-level algorithms. We address this problem by introducing a domain-specific language (DSL) for mesh processing called I❤️️️MESH, which resembles notation commonly used in visual and geometric computing, and automates the process of converting notation into code. The centerpiece of our language is a flexible notation for specifying and manipulating neighborhoods of a cell complex, internally represented via standard operations on sparse boundary matrices. This layered design enables natural expression of algorithms while minimizing demands on a code generation back-end. In particular, by integrating I❤️️️MESH with the linear algebra features of the I❤️️️LA DSL, and adding support for automatic differentiation, we can rapidly implement a rich variety of algorithms on point clouds, surface meshes, and volume meshes.


 author    = {Li, Yong and Kamil, Shoaib and Crane, Keenan and Jacobson, Alec and Gingold, Yotam},
 title     = {{I Heart MESH}: {A} {DSL} for Mesh Processing},
 journal   = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
 year      = {2024},
 month     = {oct},
 volume    = {43},
 number    = {5},
 articleno = {154},
 numpages  = {17},
 doi       = {10.1145/3662181},
 issn      = {0730-0301},
 keywords  = {Meshes, geometry processing, domain-specific language},
 abstract  = {Mesh processing algorithms are often communicated via concise mathematical notation (e.g., summation over mesh neighborhoods). However, conversion of notation into working code remains a time-consuming and error-prone process, which requires arcane knowledge of low-level data structures and libraries—impeding rapid exploration of high-level algorithms. We address this problem by introducing a domain-specific language (DSL) for mesh processing called I Heart MESH, which resembles notation commonly used in visual and geometric computing and automates the process of converting notation into code. The centerpiece of our language is a flexible notation for specifying and manipulating neighborhoods of a cell complex, internally represented via standard operations on sparse boundary matrices. This layered design enables natural expression of algorithms while minimizing demands on a code generation backend. In particular, by integrating I Heart MESH with the linear algebra features of the I Heart LA DSL and adding support for automatic differentiation, we can rapidly implement a rich variety of algorithms on point clouds, surface meshes, and volume meshes.},
See also the publisher (ACM) web page.